0131 654 4600 info@nsd-labels.co.uk



NSD Labels held its annual Christmas Jumper Day in aid of the Cash for Kids appeal on Friday, with all employees taking part.

Cash for Kids Mission Christmas ensures no child wakes up without a gift on December 25.
So far NSD Labels has raised £200 for the charity, with totals yet to be finalised.

Chris Hogarth, Managing Director, NSD Labels said:

“Christmas Jumper Day is all a bit of fun on the actual day, but at the heart of it is this incredible appeal, which helps thousands of children and young people every year.
We want to make a positive difference and love taking part in fundraising activities that support people across our local communities.
Cash for Kids Christmas jumper day is one of the most fun days we have at work but what gives us the greatest pleasure is the small part we are playing in making Christmas happen for so many deserving”