0131 654 4600 info@nsd-labels.co.uk


NSD Labels have recently strengthened their print operations by investing in new digital printing
technology – an HP Indigo 6900 digital press

NSD Labels have recently strengthened their print operations by investing in new digital printing technology – an HP Indigo 6900 digital press

With 170 years packaging industry experience, the company is one of the leading printer of labels in the UK. The business has the capability to produce labels with virtually any kind of paper, foil, folding, inks and other materials to suit the range of budgets, scales and needs demanded by its customers.

NSD Labels managing director, Chris Hogarth, said:

“It is important for NSD Labels to continually be investing in the latest and best technology and equipment. As our service offering is extensive, we required a versatile press capable of delivering complex labels to our wide range of customers across many sectors including the drinks industry.
This is the reason why we invested in the HP Indigo 6900 digital press. For us and our clients, the quality of the finished product is the most important aspect of the service we provide and the HP Indigo 6900 press is capable of printing labels that meet the most stringent branding requirements with gravure-matching quality, delivering high-resolution printing and accurate registration.
We already supply a wealth of premium and craft spirits and beer brands with high quality multiple embellishment labels produced on the Indigo 6900 press. This market is growing extensively and the demand for procuring high quality labels with little or no set up cost and fast turnaround is high.
Investing in the new press has enabled NSD Labels to become a ‘go-to’ specialist within the drinks market in the UK.”

Key features on the HP press include a top operating speed of 40m/min in full colour, as well as the ability to print on materials up to 18pt thick and screening technology that covers 175, 180, 196 and 210lpi. In addition, the press offers up to seven-colour support for all users.

The company installed the machine at its base in Dalkeith, Scotland, where it has already been put to work on a vast range of products.